From: The Standard Bearer - Taking heed to the Doctrine

Bert Mulder
Berichten: 9089
Lid geworden op: 28 aug 2006, 22:07
Locatie: Grace URC Leduc Alberta Canada

From: The Standard Bearer - Taking heed to the Doctrine

Bericht door Bert Mulder »

Dispensational Eschatology (4) Dividing God's People and Dividing God's Word
By Rev. James A. Laning

Read the whole article here: ... t_search=0
To deny the unity of God's people is to deny the unity of Christ. But since Christ is the Word of God, to deny the unity of Christ is to deny the unity of the Word. And this denial of the unity of God's Word manifests itself in a denial of the unity of Scripture.

Some dispensationalists have made the point that almost four-fifths of the text of the Bible is primarily for Israel, and slightly more than one-fifth is for the church. Even though they put the word "primarily" in there, and say that passages that are primarily for Israel are still of some significance for the church, the idea is clear that the majority of Scripture is not really for us believers in the church. By making a distinction between Israel and the church, and then claiming that many promises of the Old Testament are for Israel and not the church, the forces of darkness attempt to strip the church of many of the promises God has made to her.

Thus we see that two peoples would mean two hopes and two faiths. The passage from Ephesians 4 quoted above speaks of the one body of Christ having one hope and one faith. But two separate peoples would have different hopes and different faiths. If God promises one thing to Israel and another thing to the church, then Israel believes and hopes for one group of promised blessings, and the church believes and hopes for a different group of promised blessings. Such is the confusion that results from this unbiblical distinction.
Mijn enige troost is, dat ik niet mijn, maar Jezus Christus eigen ben, Die voor mijn zonden betaald heeft, en zo bewaart, dat alles tot mijn zaligheid dienen moet; waarom Hij mij ook door Zijn Heilige Geest van eeuwig leven verzekert, en Hem voortaan te leven van harte willig en bereid maakt.
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